Online Studies Checklist

Accessing Collected Data for In-Person Projects:
Videos, Inquisit Data and Excel data can be found on the server. Instructions on accessing the server can be found here:
In order to enter Paper Coded Data, follow the steps below: (IMPORTANT)
*Most, if not all, of the paper coded data can be found in the File Repository on the server OR within individual study folders on the server under "Coding Sheets/In-Person Data"
To access REDCap file repository:
Slack Isabel letting her know you will need access to Paper Coding Sheets.
Wait for Isabel to Slack you back (will remove you as 1st/2nd coder temporarily)
Once Isabel has Slacked you, go to the File Repository on the left Sidebar Menu. Download all relevant files onto your computer.
Slack Isabel letting her know you have downloaded all of the files.
Wait for Isabel, who will add you back as 1st/2nd coder
After Isabel has Slacked you, proceed to work on data entry.
Please make sure to follow these steps, otherwise data will not be entered correctly or you will not have access to the paper coded files.
If you are doing discrepancy coding, these steps are not necessary and you will have access to the File Repository all the time.
Logging into RA Room Macs Remotely:
In order to access our Participant Database on Filemaker or run studies on Inquisit, you will have to access one of our lab Macs. We will be using a software called NoMachine that will allow you to mirror the Mac screen and control it remotely.
Install NoMachine here:
Using NoMachine:
Accessing the Computer:
Log into the UCI VPN. If you do not log into the UCI VPN, you will not be able to access the lab computers.
Open NoMachine (make sure you have the updated version 8.1.2). You will see an instruction screen telling you how to enter IP addresses to remotely access computers. Read the instruction screen carefully before clicking "Continue".
Once you click continue, you'll be taken to a page where you can add the IP addresses for the computer you want to access. Select Add on the top left corner.
You will add the IP address of the intended computer under Host. You can add any name you'd like.
Here are the IP addresses for each of our RA room computers-
Closest to the Door:​
Middle computer:
You can then Add the computer on the top. You might see the home screen again, double-click on the intended
computer to log in.
It will ask you to verify host authenticity. Click Yes.
- It will then ask you for a username and password. Enter as below:
Username: Development of Social Cognition Lab
Password: G3lm@n
Once you press enter, you will see a multiple preference screens. Go through them and press OK for all of them. Then you'll arrive at the computer log in screen. Log into the Development of Social Cognition Lab user as usual and you should be able to access the computer.
Using the Computer:
Here are a few things to keep in mind while using the computer:
You can fit the screen to size, so you can see the whole computer screen at once, or view the screen zoomed in. To toggle the settings, click on the very top right corner of NoMachine and it will take you to the settings page. Once you're done adjusting the settings, just click "Done."
Only one person can use one computer at a time, so once you are done, just close the NoMachine window and it will log you out.
If you are done, you can log out of the user but DO NOT SHUT DOWN THE COMPUTER OR PUT IT ON SLEEP MODE. We cannot use the computer if it is not active, so if you accidentally inactivate the computer (put it on sleep mode or shut it down), let Isabel know right away.
Signing into the Lab Zoom Account
To run studies, you should make sure you are given alternative host access by the lab manager first. If you are having issues with your zoom account or do not have alternative host access, you can log into the lab zoom account to run a study BUT be sure to let the lab manager know you need to do this ahead of time.
Sign out of your personal account. Do not switch account, sign out completely.
Select "Sign In with SSO"
Enter "uci" for company domain.
Enter the lab credentials for SSO. If you sign in with you own NetID, you will need to close the browser and quit it (by left-clicking the icon on your menu/taskbar and quitting out of the application, or force-quitting the application) and then try again. Username: dosclab Password: d0scl@b!

Scheduling and Running Online Child Participants:
We will be scheduling online participants a little differently from usual. Please read through the whole section before trying to schedule participants!
Access the Database:
To Access the Lab Database on Filemaker: Please use NoMachine to remotely access the lab computers and then open the database on FileMaker as usual. Please note that we are currently only using email to recruit participants.
To Access the Ripple Database: Please see the Ripple recruitment page on the lab manual here.
BEFORE sending out a recruitment email, double-check previous studies run on the child, the child's age, and the age ranges for our current studies.
​This is so we do not send out a recruitment email to a parent whose child has already completed all the studies they are eligible for.
Send out recruitment emails with the "New PAID Studies" email or the "UCI Child Collaborative" email depending on which database you are recruiting from.
After the parent has signed up for an appointment, do the following:​
Send out Confirmation Emails: Send out a confirmation email with a zoom link to the scheduled appointment time. Cc the RA who will be running the study (even if it is you).
Send out Docusign Forms: Every time you send out the Docusign form, you will need to edit the fields in order to send the form to the parent's email and the experimenter RAs emails.
Parental Consent Form (DocuSign)​: ALWAYS
Demographics Form (DocuSign): ALWAYS
Child Assent Form (Email pdf): Child 7+ yrs old
Adult Consent Form (DocuSign): Storybook ONLY
Search the databases to see studies previously completed by the participant and write in the Google Calendar event which studies they are still eligible for and can be run on.
Add the RA on duty for the appointment time to the Google Calendar event.
Study Prep
Please make sure you have all of the materials ready to run the study before you go on the call. Make sure to join the call AT LEAST 5 minutes before the scheduled time.
Download the Consent forms and Demographics forms. Move them to the server (in Online Forms inside the Study folder).
An easy way to quickly locate Consent and Demographics forms (or to see if they have not been signed yet) is to log into the lab's Docusign account (SSO log in, username: dosclab, password: d0scl@b!) and search for the parent's email address (located on the google calendar event) in the "Completed" tab. ​
Access the Study Sheet for the study or studies you're running:
DoSC Lab Google Drive > Running Online Studies > Study Sheet
All study sheet spreadsheets have two sheet tabs:-
Participant ID Sheet​ (Use to find next Participant ID #)
Counterbalancing Sheet (Use to find condition for the study)
Access the Study Board and fill it out:
DoSC Lab Google Drive > Running Online Studies > Study Board -
Open all of the measures and components of the study as needed. E.g.:​
Storybook: Protocol for the condition, email with storybook ready
Make sure all other tabs and windows are closed or minimized.
Running a Study
If there are multiple participants to be run with multiple RAs, please follow the protocol for enabling breakout rooms here.
While on the Zoom Call:
Introduce yourself to the parent and child!
Consent: Make sure you have the parental and adult consent BEFORE running the study. If the adult or you, the RA, haven't signed yet, make sure to do so before proceeding.
***If a study requires a demographics form, be sure to ask the parent to fill it out if they have not done so - however we cannot require that they fill it out, so if they prefer not to, please continue with the study.
***Make sure the parent has provided audio/video consent before proceeding.
Click Record (on the local computer) in Zoom, to record the call.
If the participant does not consent to being recorded via Video, please ask the participant to turn their video OFF so you can record the screen.
If the participant does not consent to both Video and Audio recording, please inform the Lab Manager and/or another RA on shift so you can make sure to have a coder present during the session.​
If running multiple studies, be sure to display the Study Board on the screen to record before anything else.
If the child is 7+ yrs old: Verbally assent the child, following the assent script in the script section of the lab manual.
At the end of the study, ask the parent if they have any questions and confirm the email that the parent wants to use for the $3 - $9 Tango gift card.
Once you have finished debriefing, end the meeting.
Fill out the Participant ID Sheet, Compensation Sheet, and send Thank You email (make sure to update the google calendar to reflect that you have done these steps)
Once the recording has been processed, upload the video and consent forms to the server.
Update the FileMaker database and Ripple database (if necessary).