Scheduling Studies through DoSC Lab Website
When parents sign up for an online appointment with our lab, they will select a time based on their child or children's age/s. Parents will be able to book appointments based on RAs availabilities, therefore we may have multiple participants scheduled at the same time with different RAs. Below are detailed steps for how to confirm their appointment time, find studies to run on their child/children, make sure the parent receives all necessary confirmation and consent documents, and how to assign parents to breakout rooms when there are multiple participants signed up for one time-slot.
Once we receive an email of the parent’s booked appointment detailing the proposed time, DOB, gender of their child or children, and proposed study (if any, parents may also leave this section blank) the RA on email shift must: (to remind yourself of morning and afternoon shift responsibilities select here)
1) Search their DOB in the google drive: This should pop up all study sheets where their DOB is entered and give us an idea of what studies they have done (use 00/00/0000 format). Please also reference this google sheet to be reminded of the study age ranges here.
2) If they are not eligible for any more current studies, send them an email letting them know we must decline their booking and that they will be eligible for other studies in the future (see "Cancelation of Appointment" draft templates in Gmail).
3) If they are eligible for more studies, create a 1-hour calendar event using the "DoSC Participant Calendar" google calendar and write in the calendar event the study or studies they are eligible for + copy the wix booking under the description. DON'T invite RAs on shift for the appointment, the lab manager will assign what studies will be run. Please fill out the google calendar event using this template, referencing the information in the wix booking email, and be sure to do this for each individual participant if there are more than one signed up at a time:
Eligible Studies: (either list eligible studies or
make sure they are eligible for any studies they
have requested to participate in)
Parent Name:
Parent Email:
Child DOB:
Child Gender:
Date + Initials + Updates
(e.g. 5/17 LS: Confirmation and DocuSigns sent)
*Once this is complete, the Lab Manager will then add the first
bold line called, "Studies to run" and will assign RAs to run
specific study or studies.
*If parents sign up different children in one booking, then list all
the children and their ages (e.g. Hannah - 5;6 yrs old,
Kelly - 6;3 yrs old, Olivia - 10 yrs old) in the event title + be sure
to also put the parents information in the event description
(you can copy + paste from the Wix booking email).
*When parents sign up for our Unmoderated Study (Play a game on your own time) we do NOT send any docusigns or confirmation emails. We only send them an email template leading them to the study's link under "Confirmation" labels in our lab email.
4) Send them a generic confirmation email (there is a template for that) and required DocuSigns (consent and demo—click here for more information on how to do this), RAs added to the google calendar will be responsible for sending any study-specific information (e.g. parental measure/questionnaires). We send 2 reminder emails, one the day prior and one the day of the appointment.
- Morning email shift sends the reminders of the day of the appointment.
- Afternoon email shift send reminders for the next day. If you have your afternoon email shift on Friday, make sure you're sending email for participants for Monday.
5) Make sure to update the google calendar whenever you: Send a confirmation email and DocuSigns, send a reminder email (the day before or the Friday before if studies are scheduled for Monday), send a Thank You email and update the compensation sheet, or send a Follow-Up Missed Study email (e.g. on image above).
6) When receiving a completed consent form or demographics form in our inbox: make sure you're uploading that PDF document under the correct google calendar appointment for the specific individual it belongs to (e.g. on how it will look like on the the image above)
7) When sending a Thank-You email, state if they have completed (or not) all studies for which they are eligible at this time. ONLY RAs on afternoon email shift are responsible for sending the Thank you! emails.
Assigning Breakout Rooms:
1. All RAs running studies at the designated time should join the zoom link at least 10 minutes before the appointment time
2. The waiting room should be automatically enabled but make sure it is enabled once you join by clicking on the 'security' button on the bottom left of the zoom screen and selecting 'enable waiting room'
3. Create breakout rooms labeled with the name of the RA running the primary study (e.g. if there are 3 participants being run with 3 different RAs, create 3 separate breakout rooms labeled "Sarah", "Jessica", and "Will")
4. Admit each participant to the zoom call one by one, after adding one participant to the zoom call you should nicely let them know that they will now be added to a breakout room to begin their study game, and once one participant has joined the breakout room, you should then go on to admit the next participant, and so on. Be sure not to admit more than one participant at a time!
5. Begin the call by letting the parent know you have X amount of games to play with their child and that they can complete as many or as few as they would like to.
General scheduling and running studies reminders:
1. Always make sure the consent form is signed (and signed for the correct child) prior to running the study.
2. If the study you are running needs a demographics form signed, be sure to remind the parent if they have not filled it out (however we cannot require them to complete it, we can only request that they do so)
3. Immediately upload the video and consent forms to the server after finishing the appointment.
4. If a parent does not consent to video recording, you can ask the child to turn off their video so we can record the study without their face in it.
Important links:
1. Zoom link for studies (you should now join with your personal UCI email address and make sure to record on your computer, not the cloud):
Meeting ID: 960 3311 4901