COVID-19 Guidelines for Lab
The DoSC Lab is so excited to reopen in person again! We will be introducing mandatory COVID-19 guidelines to follow to ensure the safety of lab personnel and participants.
Ground rules
Before you conduct any in-person work:
Talk to Lucy and schedule times you will be available in-person
Fill out the “return-on-campus” module
If you have a vaccination record, please send us a copy
During the day(s) you are scheduled to come in:
Fill out the “scheduled to work on-site” and confirm that you do not have symptoms
Make sure Lucy knows you are here ahead of time – we have to disclose who is in the building and when
Do a quick symptom check (take temperature)
Stay home if you or anyone in your household has been exposed to someone who tested positive for Covid in the last 14 days
After each day you are scheduled to come in:
Report anything that seemed unsafe to Lucy or me
Fill out the anonymous google form if you don’t want to talk to us directly
When working in the lab
Maintain 6 feet of distance
No more than 2 lab members in 407 (RA room)
No more than 2 lab members in the main lab space (up to 6 when testing families)
No more than 1 lab member per office in SST (you guys don’t know about this space, so don’t worry)
Always wear a mask & hand sanitizer
The lab will have extra
Masks must be worn over nose and mouth at all times
Greet parents outside; bring extra masks
Parents can keep any mask they put on
Parents must wear masks – you can say these are lab rules
Offer parents the option to test outside for shorter studies
Sanitize all surfaces:
Before each family
After each family
Before you leave the lab (wipe down computers, door handles, and anything you touched)
Wash hands frequently; before and after each family
When working in the field (museums, schools etc.)
Maintain 6 feet of distance when possible
Always wear a mask & hand sanitizer
The lab will have extra
Parents must wear masks – you can say these are lab rules
Bring extra masks for any parents who do not have them
Bring wipes, sanitizer, gloves, and extra sets of toys/games.
Have a ‘dirty’ box (where toys, books, stimuli go after kids have played with them) – take to be wiped down in the lab
Have a ‘clean’ box
Don’t re-use toys on the same day before wiping them down
Important reminders
We are not only keeping ourselves and others safe, but we are also modeling appropriate community member behavior
Maintain rules and guidelines regardless of vaccination status
Masks should be worn correctly
Respect for all parents & children
Communicate with us anything that seems unsafe or that we can improve
Masks & covid guidelines have become politicized – don’t engage; just state our lab rules and direct any issues to Nadia