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Paper Repository

What is the Paper Repository?

All studies in the lab have a list of relevant papers. Relevant papers may be papers we reference during design, papers that used instruments that our measures are based off of, necessary literature from the field etc. The list should include any papers referenced during a UROP or SURP proposal, as well as papers read for lab meetings. The list of papers and their summarizing information constitutes the Paper Repository.


Where to find the Paper Repository:

​All documents relevant to the Paper Repository can be found in the Google Drive, under the Study Paper Repository folder here:


Making a New Entry:

  • Choosing a Paper:
    Go to the DoSC Lab: Paper Repository spreadsheet (here). At the bottom, click on the Papers to Read sheet. There should be a list of papers. You can choose one that hasn't been assigned to anyone. Put your name under the "Assigned to" column for the paper before you start working on it.

  • Reading a Paper:
    Read the paper entirely before you start entering the summary information. Tip: The best way to find a paper is to search on Google Scholar.

  • Entering Summary Info for a Paper
    In the Google Drive Study Paper Repository, there are different forms for different studies. Make sure you click on the correct form for the paper you are reading. All papers are categorized by study in the spreadsheet, so refer to the Papers to Read sheet if you are unsure of the the paper is relevant for. After clicking on the form, fill out the whole form before hitting submit. Forms cannot be edited after submitting. 


Where to Find Completed Paper Summaries:

The DoSC Lab: Paper Repository spreadsheet has multiple sheets, one for every study conducted in lab. These sheets are accessible through the spreadsheet menu at the very bottom of Google Sheets. 



Take your time reading and making new entries! We want this to be a reliable source for everyone as they're working on their studies so present information that you think is helpful and relevant for the project! 

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